Why Do We?

Why don’t we?

Cindy Byrne
2 min readFeb 5, 2021
Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash

Why do we waste our time on those who don’t spend theirs on us?
Sacrificing our valuable minutes in life to those who don’t deserve a second.
Those that take what they can and never give back.
Selfish, isn’t it?
Why do we bother?

Why do we bother when they have nothing to offer us?
Days filled with lie after lie and empty promises?
Is it worth it?
What is it to you to hold on to a rope that’s breaking?
Are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for one more moment of false hopes?
Why do we wait?

Why do we wait for the approval of those we don’t know?
Put our own needs on hold to please those who don’t care about you?
Or even know you exist for that matter?
We wait for the validation of strangers.
Why do we care?

Why do we care what others think?
Take control of your life.
Your life is no one’s but your own.
Take it and be the best you that you can be.
Why do we find everything wrong with us?
There will always be one more thing we can find in ourselves that we don’t like.
That’s life.

Why don’t we notice the good in ourselves as often as we should?
Why don’t we respect ourselves the way we wish we were respected by others?
Why don’t we love ourselves the way we want to be loved by others?
Why don’t we?



Cindy Byrne

I’m a writer and reader seeking to balance the chaos within me through storytelling.