
Silence speaks louder than words

Cindy Byrne
3 min readFeb 15, 2021
Photo by Jeremy McKnight on Unsplash

The house was perfect said mom and dad as they unpacked box after box.
Tracy went wandering door after door exploring the knobs and the locks.

The basement was dark and the kitchen was small, but mom said it’d do just fine.
Tracy kept exploring room after room until she found one and claimed it as “mine!”.

The room it was small, and the walls were bleak, but it had four of them and they stood.
It was better than the trailer they lived in before and it had personality just as it should.

The closet was small, perfect for hiding as she was sure she would do with new friends.
She hurried outside to find her boxes with dolls to decorate her room end to end.

The time flew by as she played by herself ‘til the clock read 6 after 8.
“School is tomorrow, you’d best get to bed,” said mom as she finished “it’s late”.

Tracy lay quietly hour after hour or at least that’s how it seemed.
Eventually, her eyes gave way to her day and her mind drifted off to a dream.

Morning came quickly and breakfast was served sooner than ever before.
“Down the hatch,” said Dad with a laugh and they hurried themselves out the door.

School flew by with many new friends and 3rd grade would just be a breeze.
At recess were games like hopscotch and tag and waiting to be set free.

Home again in the blink of an eye, with more exploring yet to be done.
Hurried through the door faster than before and mom yelled out “don’t run!”

Mom’s room was huge, dad slept in there too and there were clothes all laid out on the floor.
Not much to do in the room so she rushed off to look around a bit more.

She came across stairs that led to the attic and excitedly started to climb.
Looking behind her thinking about dinner she figured she still had time.

At the top was a small room smaller than most and dark and dirty around.
There wasn’t a carpet and nails stuck out of the walls and ceiling and ground.

But off in the corner was clear and perfect for hiding herself quietly away.
Hide from the yelling and fighting and wailing she heard most of the day.

She filled the walls with pictures and took a lamp for lighting and made the area her own.
When dinner was done and the tv was on she would hide off to be left alone.

She wasn’t missed with her mom gone out and her daddy fast asleep.
A drink in one hand and remote in the other he would pass out watching tv.

Bedtime came and so she helped herself get ready and laid in bed waiting to dream.
Her dad stumbled in smelling gross and looking grim and Tracy knew what that means.

She cried to herself as she wiped her wet eyes and changed out of her now dirtied clothes.
She wondered if her mom could tell what went on and would she stop it if she would know.

The next day at school turning in homework due, the teacher looked her straight in the eyes.
Tracy hid behind a smile and it worked for a while but teacher, she knew truth from lies.

It all happened fast, the smile didn’t last as the police were called to the case.
Dad called her a liar with shouts spitting fire, but evidence said there was a trace.

Her hideaway was packed and her dolls were too as she was sent to a new mom and dad.
They showered her with love and adored her above any pleasures they could have had.

She learned about love the kind that you have when you cherish someone true and pure.
And her dreams were of light and no more yelling or fights or hurting her anymore.



Cindy Byrne

I’m a writer and reader seeking to balance the chaos within me through storytelling.